08 December 2006
06 December 2006
刚才看见U频道的《爱要怎么说》,男主角花了很多心思安,与朋友安排了一个独特的求婚邂逅,女主角最后感动流泪,say, "i do"。在电视旁的我,看了反而觉得没什么。男主角是很有心思,但不至于流泪那种。。突然,朋友曾经问过我的问题浮现在我脑海中。
01 December 2006
Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
1 Timothy 6:6
15 November 2006
Author vs Blogger
Nowadays people blog for money. Well, authors might be losing their job soon? Probably "author" as an occcupation might be extinct soon. hahah. Our children generation would learn 'writer' as 'blogger' instead of 'author'. Would the world be paperless then?Well, guess it would be the happiest day of their life for the "save the earth" gurus.
Hmm.. initially i was wondering what to blog. No inspiration Was actually thinking where to get inspiration? The beach? Somewhere tranquil and solitude? Or maybe a good book? Haha. Surprise, surprise.. as i wrote, i have more things to say and things begin to flow in. But why cant i do this when i was infront of my computer? Anyway.
More and more people are blogging. Some use it as a revenue, some use it to share thoughts and information, some use it as a personal journal. To what extent will a person reveal himself/herself to the world of the net? I have friends who has two blogs. One is for the public, the other is only for the selective few. It makes me feel that blogging is so superficial. You may not even get to know 'more' about a friend even though they may be sharing their daily agenda and feelings on their blog (with you). personally, i think that if you are only willing to share half, then must as well dont share. why go through all the trouble recording two or more sets of your life account? Double standard.
I used to keep book diary. I probably has 2-3 diaries in my collection now. It is taking space, i do not know what to do with them. I have to seal it up so that no intruders will have a chance to peep into it. For myself, i dont even want to touch them nor read my past again (i usually write when i am down). So, tell me, how shall i deal with my book diaries? burn them into ashes, and allow the wind to blow my memories away?
I think probably that is why more people have turned into blogging (also, everyone wants to be heard, seen and understood). Diary, is not longer so personal after all. And it is easy to discard.
So back to my question: would the world be paperless in the next millennio (italian)? Would authors be replaced by bloggers? I dont know.. but i feel that author and blogger can co-exist. I still prefer to read a book, than to read a computer.
14 August 2006
I was on my way down to ground floor just to realize that I was still in my office slippers. Immediately, I alighted at level 8 and wait for the next lift to bring me up to the 45th floor. There were 7 people in the lift, including me and a child. There was a young girl and her maid. The maid was busy chatting on the phone with her loud speaker on. Just too bad that I could not understand the language; else I would be very interested to know the contents of the conversation. (Yea, very 八卦 - that’s human =P)
well, side track a little bit, the maid seems to be richer than me! (I judged that by the phone that she uses). I have lost track of all the Nokia models, my memory got stuck at Nokia 6280, the blue light phone - that’s how backwards I am. She is using one of the latest Nokia phone, doll. WOW! You may say it backward again. I am telling the truth. I think maids that stayed in IP are pretty rich.
Back to the lift. The maid was so busy with the conversation, while the young girl is trying to get her attention. And guess what she did? She pressed the all the lift buttons that is within her reach (from level 20+ all the way to 40+!! OMG! Do you know what that mean to me?!!? I have to wait for the lift to stop by every level before I could reach my office and that would take me about 10mins!!! Two men made some sarcasm within themselves while I was boiling on the inside. If I am not the one who goes to the highest level, I probably could give myself some consolation. But I am. 45th floor is the highest destination for that lift. No consolation! I stared at the maid, watching her if she would just simply shut off the conversation to discipline that brat, she did not!! She just slapped the kid's hands, and threatened, "Stop it! Wait I tell your mummy". What a threat! This spoilt brat is oblivious to it! She is still trying to stretch as high as possible so that she could press more buttons. And the maid actually ignored her! After several failing attempts, she begins to jump in the lift. I almost wanted to snatch the phone from that maid and kicked both out of the lift. INCORRIGIBLE.
After they left the lift, leaving me alone stranded in the long ride up, I was telling myself, this spoilt brat! I pity her! What would she be when she grows up? And that irresponsible maid! If I am the mother, I would give her one tight slap and sends her off to her country! Angry, mad, fuming, frustrated, irritated, annoyed, livid, irate, heated, crossed, furious, enraged, outraged, infuriated… if I have not explained myself clearly, I was gnashing my teeth! I felt that I have a zillion watts of strength to kick the maid back to her country and the spoilt brat to her mummy.
While the lift brings me up, God’s gentleness began to calm me down.
What are you angry with? Who are you angry with? And why are you angry? You have forgotten to change your slippers, is it the child’s fault? Is it the maid’s fault? Why get yourself fuming mad with a little kid? She is just an innocent child. She has no idea what inconveniences she could have done to you by doing what she was doing.
How about the maid, Lord?? She is an adult and she fails to discipline the child whom her employers has entrusted her to!
Can’t you be more merciful? You are not perfect, so don’t expect people to be prefect. Don’t expect them to know how you feel or what you are going through, because they are not Me, they WON’T KNOW.
Yea right. be angry but do not sin. Much anger left me by the time i reached my office. lessons learnt and to keep in mind. It will remind me to teach my child well when i become a mother one day.
Whats the point of being angry with a child? They could not understand what they are doing yet. They are just... innocent. So its our responsibility to instill virtues in their life.
18 July 2006
Abide in Me
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be my disciple.
-John 15:1-8
Have you wondered what it really mean by abiding?
When you throw an empty bottle into the ocean, the bottle is merely abiding in the ocean.
But when you filled the bottle with the ocean water, and throw it into the ocean,
this is where the bottle abide in the ocean and the ocean abide in the bottle...
Dont be an empty bottle. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and abide in the presence of God.
22 June 2006
Perfect Husband?
"Nope, i dont think i have found a perfect husband. It doesnt take me long to find out that my husband is not perfect."
"So you are saying that you are not happily married?"
"Nope, i dont mean that. My husband hasnt found a perfect wife too. He doesnt have what i have, and i dont have what he has. Thats why we are the perfect match."
Have you noticed that imperfect people are always striving to be perfect?
Because Imperfect often speaks "i-m-perfect".
Let Him do the job is much easier.
-Just some thoughts flashing in my mind while i was on the bed.-
So are you still waiting for the perfect man?
In heaven, probably.
07 March 2006

“咚!” 还是要回到现实中。我这懒惰骨是很难叫得起来的啦。
06 March 2006
02 March 2006
Matthew 21:21
ok! God, i will do it.
You got to be responsible for the calling You have called me into ok!
I will trust in You, i will work hard, i will work on my discipline.
Lord, i depend on You to make it work out for me!
You are Faithful, You are my Rock, You are my Protector!
21 February 2006
Bitter or Better?
It is impossible to be bitter and get better at the same time.
You have a choice to make. You can let each hurt or problem make you bitter or better.
The decision is yours.
How can a hurt or problem make you a better person?
God does not bring hurts and wounds upon you, but once they are inflicted upon you,
He is able to cause them to benefit you if you will trust Him to do so.
(All things work out good for the kingdom of God)
People are not prefect, therefore we hurt and disappoint each other.
Go to Jesus with each old wound, and begin to receive His healing grace.
When someone hurts you, take that new wound to Jesus. Dont let it fester.
Take it to the Lord and be willing to handle it His way and not your own.
- Beauty for ashes
18 February 2006

If you ask me, i would say its BRIDGE.
Since young, i am always amazed and has a special likings on bridges. I do not understand why.
I heard a story that says that you got to cross a bridge with someone you love, so that the relationship will be everlasting. The bridge is called 情人桥.
You may find it hilarious like me probably. But come to think of it, it may not be fully wrong..
Jesus comes as a bridge that links us to God. He is the 情人桥 we have to cross so that our relationship can be everlasting. Not just the love between man and woman, but also brotherly and sisterly love, parents and children love, friendship love..
Cross the bridge, lest you fall into the deep blue sea..
"Be my Bridge. You shall connect people together and you shall connect them to me."
"But Lord, how am i able to do that? I am not eloquent, i am just quiet. Too quiet.. i do not know how to start off a conversation, i do not know what to say, what is apporpriate to say.. i am just a clumsy person whom nobody likes.."
"Do not worry about how or what you should answer or say. My Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say. Why do you worry so much? Just let My Spirit guide you."
Luke 12:11-12
11 February 2006
Do you receognise the King?
There were three seats infront of him when he was in the interview room. On the left side was the Managing Director of the bank. On the right side was the Accounts Manager. The middle was vacant. So while waiting for the Chairman of the bank to come in, the three men had a light hearted chit-chat. After a while, the door opened and the Chairman walked in. The young man got the shocked in his whole life. The chairman was the old man whom he witness his wallet was being pickpocketed in the train station. A surge of embrassment swept through him. In his mind, he wished that he could turn back time so that he can do something to help the old man back then.. but it was too late. He has failed to recognise the important man.
Seated down, the chairman looked into the eyes of the young man and said, "what can i be of any help to you?"
So did the young man get the job? You figure it out yourself.
well, alot of people, yea, including the christians, in fact, im talking about the christians, failed to recognise who is truly the King. And they shortchange themselves of the blessing that God intended for them. They come in late for service, take their own sweet time to come cell group. Leave half way during the bible study.. having their handphone on during meeting, or worse still, answer the phone when the speaker is still speaking. Well, who is the King? They failed to recognise that they are to worship the King and not the other way round.
Well, some may argue that the young man did not see the chairman before, how would he know that the old man would be the chairman of the bank? Well, let me tell you, you dont have to treat someone in regards of their status. Even God doesnt do that. By recognising Jesus as King, you will serve His people. and, you will never know, someone who needs help could be an angel. Dont always expect an angel is here to help you. There are irritating angel who will come and help you bear the fruit of long suffering, there will be poor angel around to teach you how to give. There will be needy angels around that will enlarge your compassion. and if you meet the angels' need, you are an angel to them! so everyone is everyone's angel. haha
Would you recognise Him even if He is going to stand right in front of you?
The key here is, be nice to everyone. In everything that you do, do in the reverence of the King.
Give Him the due honor, reverence. Because He is KING and He deserves it!
Jesus, You're worthy to be praised!
This is my 100th post.
06 February 2006
Make room!
The lift has to stops in almost every level just to load and unload people.
After last night prayer, i have made a conscious decision to be patient with things like this (actually only this) that has been irritating me ever since i started work at IP. Can you believe it! it will take me about 7mins to reach my office at 45th floor from level 1! I dont even wait so long for a train in the morning! ok.. so i asked God to help me remember i had prayed.
So this morning, usual. The lift stops at almost every level to pick up passengers.
I felt so irritated. Why must those irritating people press the lift? Why must i wait so long to get to my destination? (well, if you are in a clarity of mind, you can see that its no body's fault? the problem is ME - i dont own a private lift. hah) I began to feel frustrated. And you know, God always answers prayers. yea, i was reminded of the things i prayed. So i tell myself to cool down and ask God for help. The lift went further two levels down and stops AGAIN for dont know the how many times. i almost wanted to destory the 'closed' button. Suddenly God spoke to me, that i should see this lift as His lift of salvation. I should allow as many people to come in as possible. Because everyone needs to go to His final destination. I should not be selfish, just being busy with my own things, wanting to fulfil my own agenda and in the end neglected or ignored the most important thing that i am called to do - to get as many people saved as possible. I should make room in my heart for a greater passion for the lost.
Well, God always has His ways to teach and remind you isnt it? Even in situation like this.
This is amazing. what a wise God i serve!
"Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding." -Matt 9:22