早上的阳光好温暖。今天去工作时经过组屋楼下的游乐场。看见阳光普照洒满着大地,真让人有种冲动,来晒个日光浴。懒惰的自己竟然让自己错过了那么温暖的晨曦!本想下定决心要自己早点起床,到组屋楼下的凳子乘凉乘凉。。拿起一本书,享受着温暖的太阳下,也许也能索取些灵感。把老公也叫起,当他去锻炼身体的当儿,让我悠载闲载地沉进在这小小悠闲中。“咚!” 还是要回到现实中。我这懒惰骨是很难叫得起来的啦。不是不可能。。是心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱。身体上的劳累,也许需要十年追回来!哈哈。(好伟大的借口吧!)其实很感谢主(应该有个"旗"字旁,但找不到上帝的‘主’)让我和老公得着那么好的家。在中区,交通方便,环境又很好。我喜欢维多利亚式,这里的环境就是维多利亚式。感谢主!!别小看我哟。有一天心血来潮,我真的会特早起床晒日光浴哟!晚安!
"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, say to this mountain be removed! and it will done so for you"
Matthew 21:21
ok! God, i will do it. You got to be responsible for the calling You have called me into ok!I will trust in You, i will work hard, i will work on my discipline.
Lord, i depend on You to make it work out for me!You are Faithful, You are my Rock, You are my Protector!