-Rain over-
Today i went to NUS to attend a short talk about the existence of God with Simon.
The title of the talk was [Existence of God through Science] something like that. ..
In the first place, i thought its going to be an interesting 2-hrs talk session, supported with lots of visual aid, by a professor in the university, expecting it to end with arguments thrown around the floor. (exiciting huuh) But it turned out to be a small group sharing seminar presented by a devoted Christian who is working in NUH, and was a medical science student, i suspose. Well, whoever the speaker is, i wasnt disappointed at all. I was more interested in the QnA session at the end of the seminar. It was a good sharing, i would say, though i was a bit lost in the beginning when the speaker gave alot of meaty information which was quite difficult to digest (especially without any visual aid). She talked about evolution, fossils and gave a lot of huge figures.. i was there, trying to figure out how many ZEROS are there...? So actually the speaker had lost me (or should i say i lost the speaker) from the very beginning. I feel that the contents doenst tally with the title.. anyway, never mind about the meaty stuffs.. i feel that those information was there just to impress. Yet, i did have a fruitful trip. There's always something to learn.
We had a very short QnA time before the round up of the session. Though it was short, i learnt alot of things from here.
I realised that most of the questions being prompted was in the stand of God's word - Whats make you think that the word of God is infallible? What makes you think that whatever that is written in the bible is absolute truth? I think thats basically the main argument most atheist or antagonist have.
Intellects are trying to find God through Science. The thing is you cant find the totality of God through science. Simply because God and Science are of a different level. God works in the supernatural. Science is on the experimental. God is the truth. Science is the facts. God deals with things of the Spirit. Science deals with things of the natural.
God is above all things. Science is merely one of the subject God has created. Jesus brings healings by spoken words. Can Science come out with an equation? Probably there is, but not man could fathom. Jesus could raise up a man who was dead for three days. Can science prove how is it possible? Jesus did CPR to the corpse? Jesus could cast out demons. How do you bring science in? Demons, spirits and science. They never mix. Natural and supernatural can never mix. the latter is SUPER than the natural, thats why.
One who says that evolution stand is saying that by placing two pieces of metals together, given enough time, it will evolve BY CHANCE, hence, become a PDA. If evolution is true, then all of us should have won TOTO every week because evolution teaches on the basis of CHANCE. Since the universe was created with the existence of an amoeba, by sSooooOOooo many chances, it hit the right 'target' and becomes what it is today, sure the probability is very high. So winning TOTO shouldnt be that difficult at all.
The work of the universe was done in an orderly manner. Its one of the nature of God. God is an organised God and is a God of order. Just take a computer programming as an example. If you didnt programe the computer in an orderly manner, output of the computer will be rubbish. Garbage in, garbage out. If you write the programe in order, by all means, the computer will function properly. Just go and study our human body.. Every organ, every tissue is function by the law of order. Each organ has a specific role to play. This, is pre-designed. Just as a programmer got to design a software and writes out the programming details in order, our body is susposed to be designed by a Superior Being. So, insanity is to believe in evolution.
Lets get this clear, no man is perfect except for Jesus Christ. So when man is imperfect, please dont expect any perfect answers or results. Since no man is perfect, thank God we have the Holy Spirit guiding us in the truth and leading us into perfection [Heb 6:1 - Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God...] It is the Holy Spirit who searches the deep things of God and He is the one who reveals to whom He pleased. So if you want to know the mysteries of God, you got to have a relationship with Him, and stay close to Him. Its natural for you to share your deepest secrets with your best friend. So its also natural for God to only want to share His deep secrets with His best friends, those who are close to Him. [1 Corinthians 2:10 - But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God]. If you want to understand the creation, first of all, you got to know the Creator. Who was with the God when the universe was created? The Holy Spirit. [Genesis 1:2 - The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters] So, Christianity is not a religion. It is a relatonship. Having a relationship with God will caused you to know Him even more. In this life, its not just about knowing God. But what it really mean is experiencing Him.
Today, i stand in awe at the word of God, the works of Jesus, understand fully why Jesus got to say the last prayer when he breathe His last, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." - Luke 23:34. It is so true, the people did not know what they are doing when they challenged the questions. They have came with a heart not wanting to accept the truth. Sitting there, in my heart, i said a prayer what Jesus said.
Woo~ i said soo much? Last thing to share before i end.
I had a good leaders' meeting tonight. Brother Jimmy laid hands on us three times! The presence was so strong that everyone knelt down and wept in the presence of the Lord. We kept singing "Amazing Grace". Truly, it is grace that release me from the bondages of the world. It is grace that redeemed me out of the clutches of Satan. It is through grace that i was found. In worship, i saw a vision. I was sitting on the eagles's wings. I took flight with the eagle, soaring on the mountain top. I was not tired because the eagle was carrying me. I teared when i saw that vision, because i needed rest. God is reassuring me that He is carrying me, soaring above the mountains (which is my problems), seeing me through. Just as i penned this down, i was reminded of the verse that God gave to me in 2001. The rhema that pushed me through during my SOT year.
"He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint". - Isaiah 40:29-31
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
To save a wretch like me
I was once lost, but now am found
was blind, but now i see..