This happened before we were together.
He was referring some of his friends to me as i just started out my business.
I cant remember the exact date, but we met at City Hall one Saturday morning..
That day was our zone combined cell group meeting. I was leading praise, so wanted to wear a pair of flat shoes. When i open my shoe cabinet, i saw the pair of black shoes my mum bought for me years ago. I havent wore that shoes for a long time. I think i only wore it twice to be exact. So i put on the shoes and off i go, to meet David and his friend.
Everything was going on very well. After the presentation, his friend rushed off to another place. David and i decided to go to Funan Center to browse through the shops as i still have much time left before the meeting starts. As we walked towards the building, i felt something dangling on the right side of my shoes. As i looked down, lo and behold! The sole of the shoe was half way dropping out! Why? Why does such thing happen when i am with him? This was super embrassing... Just as we began to cross the traffic, i confessed my embrassment and we headed to the 7-11 opposite the road to buy super glue. Boy! How i wish i could dropp into a manhole while crossing the traffic and never come out again! Anyway.. We went to Funan, squeezed into a bench with a stranger (apparently he left us a few mintues after we sat down) at the second floor, giving all our might to stick the sole back to the shoe. Well, at that moment of time, i find the scenario rather cute and laughable. Interesting to stuck with him there like that and maybe it was not that embrassing afterall. So, very quickly, i recovered from the embrassment pretty fast.
Then, it was time for us to go on our separate ways. I got to go bible house and meet Ronald to practice praise. He got to go home and prepare for cell group. Just as we were going to cross the road towards the direction of bible house, i felt something strange on my left foot. It was the dangling feeling again. As i looked down, i saw the sole of my left shoe was half dropping out! Omigosh! How could such thing happend to me twice on the same day, at the same place (just a street difference).. and with... HIM?! I wanted to kept quiet about it. But thinking that i needed to lead praise later, i got to 'heal' my shoes.. i have no choice but to confess to him in the middle of the road.. this time round, i really wished i was being raptured to heaven... come, let the lightning strike and thunder roar.. just get me out of here, out of sight before this man.. well, apparently, such things doesnt happen except in movies. :_(
That was definitely one of the most embrassing moments of my life! He ran back to the 7-11 and bought another super glue. I waited for him across the street, outside a church. There was too many people walking by, so i took refuge in a church, the Armenia Church.
I waited for his return and we sat down on the bench at the courtyard of the church.. although it was the most embrassing moments of my life, but i felt that it was also quite a romantical event. The place was full of serenity, it just like we were out of the bustling world, in our own fairy land.. We played "stone-kicking" while waiting for the glue to dry up, talked, and sang to Jesus a few praises. What really impressed me was that he never laugh at me. He was very clam, i didnt need to say anything, he did what a man should do at that time. The rest was history.
I reminisced the event because i miss him right now..
He is in KL for two thousands days!! TWO THOUSAND DAYS ley...
Just happened to saw this picture, so decided to write something.
(Oh, i went back to take the picture of the place months after the event)

Armenia Church
was a nice church, maybe suitable for wedding... hee
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