Here's a story to share...
A grandpa and a grandma visit their grandchildren very often. Each afternoon the grandpa will lie down for a nap. One day, as a practical joke, the kids decided to put Limburger cheese in this mustache. Quite soon he awoke sniffing. "Why, this room stinks.." he exclaimed as he got up and went out into the kitchen., He wasnt there long until he decided that the kitchen smelled too, so he walked outdoors for a breathe of fresh air. Much to grandpa's surprise, the open air brought no relief, and he proclaimed, "The whole world stinks"
Isnt it so true? We carry "Limburger cheese" in our attitudes, the whole world smells bad. We are individually responsible for our view of life. Truth has contained in the scripture, "For whatever a man sow, he will surely reap". Our attitude toward and action in life help determine what happens to us.
Life is not easy. Almost daily we witness jobs that are held but hated and marriages hat are tolerated but unhappy, all because people are wiating for others, or the world, to change instead of realizing that they are responsible for their own behavior.
Our attitude determines our approach to life. So change.
Just a drop of dew
Can make your life anew~
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