31 December 2007

What to blog?

A few more hours to 2008. To be exact, 7.5hrs to 2008.

Whats the difference except that we will all have to start writing '08' intead of '07'?

Had a meeting two days ago. Alot of us shared that 2007 was a tough, difficult, stretching year for each one of us. One of them shared that he is hoping that 2007 can quickly finish and start a new year afresh. I was just pondering on this statement these few days.

Do we really need to wait for a new year to start afresh?
After 5,4,3,2,1... its just another normal day.
The difference between the old year and the new year is just merely 1sec.

Is there a need to reserve the decision of starting anew for 4days?
Does it mean that i can allow myself to fail and continue to live a difficult live in these four days before the new year come? or is there something magical going to happen when the clock strikes twelve?

This is the mindset that everyone embraced worldwide. Even me, yea, i got to admit. Wait till new year, then i will do this and that. Wait till new year then i will set my goals afresh... to some, new year resolution is almost the same every year. What is new? Perhaps on a personal level, nothing is new.

Everyone pays more attention to A NEW YEAR because it happens every YEAR. but no one pay attention to A NEW DAY, because it happens every DAY. We have been taking A NEW DAY for granted, because we meet one everyday. But it is the new day that brings us to the new year. So, i think we should start afresh every day, have our goals renewed everyday, decide to change everyday rather than after the count down, anticipating change.
It is quite amazing that i blog so much.
i have no inspiration and much thoughts to blog today.
Just felt that i should blog on the last day of the year, like i always do.
Surprising, once i start typing, thoughts just flow through. i like it.
I like to have my thoughts organised and expounded.
I am happy that i managed to published some overdue blogs before the year ends today.

Happy New Year!
2008 is going to be my greatest year!
Just wait and see!

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