16 August 2008

Happy 5th birthday metamorphoziz!

I was very tired, but could not sleep last night (Must be the half cup coffee i consumed in the late afternoon).. I was mingling with my blogs and suddenly i have an urge to revamp my blog interface and fah-laa! what you see is what you get. By the time i decided on a blogskin and customized the scripting to my preference, it was about 5 in the morning already. Oh gosh!

Coincidently, because of the new blogskin that i am very pleased with, i begin to re-read my past entries,
and realised that my blog is 5 years old on 13 August 2008! 5 years for 150 entries, averaging each year 30, which means to say in a month i have blogged at least 2.5 posts. I thought not bad huh! (or not? hahaha)

As i was reminiscing, i was quite surprised at some enteries i wrote... quite proud of myself. Hahaha. Where on earth i have those thoughts?? I thought i wrote better last time than now. Have i been progressing forward or naught? gee..


Happy birthday metamorphoziz!

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