15 July 2004

-Cool weather-

I was lagging in my blog.. actually was very lazy to blog, but my friend, Jasmine encouraged me.. so here i am... this blog is for her. =)

I was practicing flute this afternoon.
As i was taking a short break, i began to stare at my flute.. (not mine actually, its Waifong's) it occured to me that the flute is just an instrument. An instrument is just a 'dead' instrument unless you blow it, then you will be maximising its greatest potential of releasing its beautiful sound within. And ultimately, the melody is determined by the player. I began to think about God. I am just an instrument. If God never breathe His breath of life in me, i am just a 'dead' instrument.. how beautiful my melody of life is, depends on how i play it..

You only live once. Play it well.
Just do it.