13 May 2007

Music & Lyrics

Music and Lyrics. Which one decides the quality of a song?

Some says Lyrics. No matter how nice the melody is, if the lyrics has no meaning, there is not depth in the song, hence it is not a good piece of composition.

But without a nice melody, it cant bring out the 'feel' of the lyrics. I love the liberty of freedom. Perhaps that is why i like classical music. It has no lyrics, its up to me to create a story out of it. It is MY STORY.

But without a good lyrics, it sort of like 'downgrade' the song. However, even if the lyrics is nice and the music sucks, its not a good piece either. Contradicting right? Well, i guess.. beauty is really in the eye of the beholder.

Good music needs good lyrics.
Good lyrics needs good music.

Sounds like lyrics is the man. Logical, straight forward.
Music is the woman. Feels alot, lots of mood.
And when a good music merge with a good lyrics, it is a good composition.

The composer will be God.