15 November 2006

Author vs Blogger

Alright, has not been blogger for a long time. Meaning, i have not been paying attention to my thoughts. or i simple have no thoughts at all?? hahah

Nowadays people blog for money. Well, authors might be losing their job soon? Probably "author" as an occcupation might be extinct soon. hahah. Our children generation would learn 'writer' as 'blogger' instead of 'author'. Would the world be paperless then?Well, guess it would be the happiest day of their life for the "save the earth" gurus.

Hmm.. initially i was wondering what to blog. No inspiration Was actually thinking where to get inspiration? The beach? Somewhere tranquil and solitude? Or maybe a good book? Haha. Surprise, surprise.. as i wrote, i have more things to say and things begin to flow in. But why cant i do this when i was infront of my computer? Anyway.

More and more people are blogging. Some use it as a revenue, some use it to share thoughts and information, some use it as a personal journal. To what extent will a person reveal himself/herself to the world of the net? I have friends who has two blogs. One is for the public, the other is only for the selective few. It makes me feel that blogging is so superficial. You may not even get to know 'more' about a friend even though they may be sharing their daily agenda and feelings on their blog (with you). personally, i think that if you are only willing to share half, then must as well dont share. why go through all the trouble recording two or more sets of your life account? Double standard.

I used to keep book diary. I probably has 2-3 diaries in my collection now. It is taking space, i do not know what to do with them. I have to seal it up so that no intruders will have a chance to peep into it. For myself, i dont even want to touch them nor read my past again (i usually write when i am down). So, tell me, how shall i deal with my book diaries? burn them into ashes, and allow the wind to blow my memories away?

I think probably that is why more people have turned into blogging (also, everyone wants to be heard, seen and understood). Diary, is not longer so personal after all. And it is easy to discard.

So back to my question: would the world be paperless in the next millennio (italian)? Would authors be replaced by bloggers? I dont know.. but i feel that author and blogger can co-exist. I still prefer to read a book, than to read a computer.